Welcome to Arunachal EIACP Hub Last Updated:17-07-2024
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EIACP Hub : Environmental Information Awareness Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme
Status of Environment and Related Issues
Hosted by : Department of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh
Sponsored by : Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Govt of India
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What is EIACP?

Realizing the importance of Environmental Information , the government of India, in december, 1982, established an Environmental Information Awareness Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme ( EIACP) as a planned programme. EIACP is a decentralized system with a network of distribution oriented centers ensuring integration of national efforts in environmental information collection, collation,storage, retrieval and dissemination to all concerned, presently the EIACP network consist of focal point at the ministry of environment and forest, EIACP centers setup in different organisations in the country in selected areas of environment.

Objectives of EIACP Centre

Long-term objectives
  • To build up a repository and dissemination centre in Environmental Science and Engineering;
  • To gear up the modern technologies of acquisition, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information of environmental nature; and
  • To support and promote research, development and innovation in environmental information technology.
Short-term objectives
  • To provide national environmental information service relevant to present needs and capable of development to meet the future needs of the users, originators, processors and disseminators of information
  • To build up storage, retrieval and dissemination capabilities with the ultimate objectives of disseminating information speedily to the users;
  • To promote, national and international cooperation and liaison for exchange of environment related information;
  • To promote, support and assist education and personnel training programmes designed to enhance environmental information processing and utilization capabilities;
  • To promote exchange of information amongst developing countries.
Responsibilities of EIACP Centers
  • Building up a good collection of books, reports and journals in the particular subject area of environment;
  • Establishment of linkages with all information sources in the particular subject area of environment;
  • Responding to user queries;
  • Establishment of a data bank on some selected parameters relating to the subject area;
  • Coordination with the Focal Point for supplying relevant, adequate and timely information to the users;
  • Helping the Focal Point in gradually up an inventory of information material available at the Centre; identification of information gaps in the specified subject areas and action to fill these gaps;
  • Bringing out newsletters/publications in their subject area for wide dissemination.


EIACP Center Arunachal was established on December 2015 with Director (Environment) Deptt. Of Environment & Forests Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh under the Sanction of MoEF & CC Govt. of India. The centre is mandated to perform following objectives :-

  • To Collect, Compile and Desseminate Environmental related Issues & Information.
  • Development Environmental Related Database on ISBEID Website.
  • Development of a user friendly dynamic website including homepage to make it a web enabled system for online exchange of information.
  • Development Environmental Related Database on ISBEID Website.
  • To bring awareness among student and public about importance of Environment.